Sunday 22 October 2017

5 Testosterone Boosting Foods To Include In Your Diet

People often tend to stereotype testosterone as a sex hormone, but in reality, there is a lot more to it than just that. This hormone is responsible for bone and muscle health, sperm production, and hair growth. You can start losing testosterone as you start to age as well as due to chronic illnesses.

The condition where the testosterone levels in the body get reduced is known as Hypogonadism. Although this condition can be resolved by choosing low testosterone treatment, there are certain things that you can do from your end as well.

Apart from seeking help from professionals, you can start including testosterone-rich food items in your diet. Here are certain food items you need to start eating if you want to increase your testosterone levels.


Tuna is rich in vitamin D, it has been linked to longer life and testosterone production. It is also good for the heart as it is high in protein and low in calories. Consuming a serving of tuna regularly just once can fulfill your daily vitamin D requirements. Eating this food can be a natural way to enhance your testosterone levels.

Low-fat milk with vitamin D:

Milk is a pretty great source of protein and calcium. Children and women are recommended to drink milk for better bone health, but milk can help in improving the bone strength of men too. The vitamin D present in it can also aid in keeping the testosterone levels in check. Every low testosterone treatment provider will ask you to include milk in your diet.

Egg yolks:

Egg yolks are yet another important source for vitamin D. Egg yolk contains more nutrients than the egg white. The cholesterol present in it may help increase the level of testosterone production in the body. You should have at least 1 egg per day.

Fortified cereals:

Eggs are not the only breakfast that can help with your condition. Certain brands of cereals and orange juice are fortified with vitamin D. You should including such items to your breakfast to kick-start your day and your testosterone levels.


Zinc is an essential nutrient that is required during puberty, and its effects can keep the male hormones in check throughout adulthood. Men with low testosterone levels can benefit greatly from consuming zinc. Oysters are good sources of the mineral zinc.

Eat these food items, choose low testosterone treatment in Denver and get back your youth!

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